Stations of the Cross

Years ago, I went through a stage of trying every Stations of the Cross that I could find and not being entirely happy with any of them. I really wanted something that focused on the scriptural references to Christ's Passion. I also really wanted to focus on the Suffering Servant psalm that Christ quotes from the cross. After praying them with the family each year at Lent for several years, and making adjustments each year, I finally settled on the following. To avoid copyright issues, I ended up using the Catholic Online Bible, which is a variation of the Dhouay Rheims translation. I'm not entirely happy with the translation and the way it reads in some places but it serves its purpose well enough until a better translation is produced which will be free to use without copyright issues. Feel free to download this and share it as you wish. My family and others I have shared it with have found it very edifying and I hope that you will too.

Click here for the PDF edition