
Ireland: A Journey Within and Abroad - My Ireland book is finally published, after all these years. It is only in the Kindle Store at this point. If I get enough requests, I may make a print version, but I figure enough people have a Kindle or a smartphone that they can run the Kindle app on, so we'll see how this goes. I am also considering doing a "special edition" .epub file that I would sell here on my site for a little more money that would include copies of all the pictures I took on the trip. One step at a time, though. (Download it from the Amazon Kindle Store)

The Last Martyr - This is an apocalyptic tale that was originally intended to be written as a movie script, but I felt the times are getting ripe to hear the warning presented by this story, so I decided to go ahead and write it as a novel instead in order to get it out quicker. Therefore, I am currently giving it away for free and encouraging you to pass it around. You can download it below in one of the linked formats that works best for you. I may later release it in one or more of the digital book stores, but getting the story out is more important right now than making money. If you feel compelled to support this work, you could send me a Paypal donation... or connect me with a movie producer and I can make some money on it that way.
PDF edition
EPUB edition