(Click icon to download.)

How to use AppleWorks Mechanic 2.0

AppleWorks Mechanic is a simple application that can save the day when your AppleWorks will not launch. The usual cause for this annoyance is a corrupted preference file, although corrupted files in the Caches or User Data can also cause it. All this app does is provide an easy way for you to delete the preference files and AppleWorks User Data folders. This is separated into two separate functions and it is recommeded that you only run the 2nd function when the first is not enough to clear the problem. It is possible that even after running both functions, the problems will persist. If that is your case, then you may have a font file that is causing AppleWorks to crash or the program may simply need to be reinstalled. I included a button that will take you to the support pages for AppleWorks on Apple's site in case these solutions don't solve your problem. If your AppleWorks is working fine, do not use this app unless you want all your preferences reset to factory defaults.


I have had to help enough people with this problem that I finally decided it made more sense to make an app to do the work for them. It is not hard to find and delete these files manually, but using this app is quicker and spares less technical users the headache.

If you find this app helpful to you, feel free to donate $1 to my Paypal account to show your gratitude:

Click the icon at the top of the page to download. If you have any ideas or suggestions, feel free to send them along as well.

Thanks and enjoy!

Todd Russell
Groovechicken Studios